About Fairview


Since 1961, we’ve been helping people to find and buy their dream home. Whether you’re a first-time buyer looking to get on the ladder, or you’re looking to find your next home, we have an exciting range of new build properties available at developments all over London and the South East.

As well as helping you to find your new home, we go out of our way to provide a complete service that guides you through the entire process of buying a new home, from choosing the right new build for you to following up once you’ve moved in to make sure everything is as you hoped it would be.


Ever since Fairview was formed in 1961, our focus has been on providing the very best new build homes we can. We have helped thousands of first-time buyers get on the property ladder, as well as helping families find forever homes they never dreamed they could afford.

Our priority has always been to try to reclaim brownfield sites and support regeneration wherever possible, and whether it’s being involved in small-scale schemes building a handful of houses in a village setting to helping manage huge apartment projects, we’re proud to help provide the new homes so desperately needed.

Though the majority of homes we develop are for open market sale, we have always worked closely with housing associations—and we continue to do so—to provide affordable homes, and work in close partnership with other landowners, developers and home providers.